Experience the gripping drama of “BARFF” at our theatre. Set in the backdrop of a snowstorm, the play unravels the complexities of relationships and deception. Unveiling layers of secrets and betrayal, it promises an unforgettable theatrical spectacle. A must-watch, “BARFF” captivates with its raw intensity, urging audiences not to miss this unparalleled theatrical masterpiece. Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with suspense and emotion. Reserve your seats now for an immersive theatrical experience like no other.
The Ultimate Summer Experience!
4 to 20 Years old can register.
4 -7 yrs and 8 – 11 yrs:
10 am – 11 am (Session 1)
1 am - 12 pm (Session 2)
Above 12 yrs:
12 pm – 1 pm (Session 1)
1 pm – 2 pm (Session 2)
Batch 1 : 19th Apr to 9th May (Weekdays)
Batch 2 : 10th May to 30th May(Weekdays)
4900/- Student per camp -Fixed price for all age groups
No Refund
45 min to 60 min
15 Days for each camp
Registration is opens Now.