Samay's LOLapalooza Bash!

Get ready to LOL on January 26th as the comedy maestro, Samay Raina, steps into the limelight! It’s not just a show; it’s a laugh-packed editorial of epic proportions. Buckle up for a night of giggles, guffaws, and guaranteed good times. It’s an editorial masterpiece of hilarity, a date you’d be remiss to skip on your calendar.

26th January
0 PM

Discover, Learn, and Play

The Ultimate Summer Experience!

Age limit or age category for the camp?

4 to 20 Years old can register.

What are the camp hours?

4 -7 yrs and 8 – 11 yrs:

10 am – 11 am  (Session 1)

1 am - 12 pm  (Session 2)


Above 12 yrs:

12 pm – 1 pm   (Session 1)

1 pm – 2 pm    (Session 2)

What are the activities?



Where can I register?
In how many batches is this camp conducted and dates?

Batch 1 : 19th Apr to 9th May (Weekdays)

Batch 2 : 10th May to 30th May(Weekdays)

Registration fee?

4900/- Student per camp -Fixed price for all age groups 

Payment Refund policy?

No Refund

Duration of each session?

45 min to 60 min

Total days of camp?

15 Days for each camp

When is the Registration Starting?

Registration is opens Now.